Our ultimate destination is your confidence
CAVINY, S.L. has been in the business of transporting liquid foodstuffs in tankers since 1970. Based in Granollers, just 50 kilometres from the city of Barcelona, our firm started out in the seventies in response to the growing demand for vehicles to transport liquid foodstuffs within the province of Barcelona.
Very soon our business expanded to national level. Today we provide our services for the top companies in the food industry, comprehensively meeting the needs of this sector, both nationally and internationally. Because for us, our clients’ trust is always our ultimate destination.

A quality system to guarantee the safety of your products
Our quality system is based on exhaustive monitoring in the area of food safety, in accordance with the principles of the Codex Alimentarius. It has the backing of the ISO 9001 certificate, to ensure safety in goods transport.
We have in place a certified HAPPC critical point analysis system for all our processes, specially designed to ensure the safety and harmlessness of the goods we ship. CAVINY, S.L is also entered in the RSIPAC, the Catalan health register of food producers and products, with number RSIPAC 40.09452/CAT.
We seek our clients’ satisfaction by adapting to meet their needs, satisfying their demands and expectations and complying with current legal regulations at all times.
The procedures, instructions and formats of our services are set down in a set of Good Management Practices to make sure our quality policy is understood, implemented and adhered to at all levels of the organisation and in all areas.
The essential principles that govern the way we do business include care for the environment at all times. This is why CAVINY, S.L. adheres to an environmental policy resting on three key points:
All the tankers the food industry requires
Our large fleet of tankers is devoted solely to transporting liquid foodstuffs. All of them are stainless steel and suited to the different jobs and requirements involved in shipping liquid foodstuffs. Every one of them is heatproofed and isothermal, and has the pertinent ATP certificate (authorisation to carry perishable goods).
We can supply a tanker to meet every demand in the industry: single and compartmentalised tanks, fitted with a standalone compressor, heater or lobe pumps for unloading highly viscous products and so on.
All our vehicles are equipped with a location system to enable us to know where our client’s goods are at all times. We have opted for a GPS management system to optimise information and enhance the locatability of our fleet.
Our company is part of a leading group with over 80 years’ experience in the road transport and distribution of goods, especially bulk liquid chemicals. In Spain and in Europe. A steadily expanding group that covers over 28 million kilometres every year and ships over 1.7 million tonnes, assuring complete satisfaction for all its clients.